Micro laser peel

Skin RN Aesthetics in Nashville, TN offers laser peel treatments for the improvement of superficial skin texture, complexion, fine lines, discoloration, and mild acne scarring with little downtime. 


Micro Laser Peel

The treatment removes a thin layer of damaged skin to improve texture and provide a more youthful appearance. It provides superior results because it can be administered with great precision of depth. The Micro Laser Peel procedure was designed for those wanting more than microdermabrasion or light chemical peels, and have little time for a prolonged healing process.

The following conditions can be treated with Micro Laser Peel:

  • Mild wrinkles

  • Scars

  • Keratosis

  • Sun damage

  • Pigment irregularities

What can I expect?

The MicroLaserPeel's laser beam is scanned over a treatment area to precisely ablate (vaporize) a very thin layer of skin, removing old, damaged tissue. Symptoms immediately following a Micro Laser Peel resemble a sunburn. Depending on the depth of treatment, most patients feel comfortable enough to return to work within 3-4 days – an attribute that has given rise to the nickname "the weekend peel." Because only the outer layer of skin is treated, most patients notice an obvious improvement in tone, texture and color evenness once the skin heals in approximately 3-4 days. Pain is generally minimal and can be addressed if necessary with over-the-counter pain reliever.

Patients experience smoother, healthier, more vibrant skin with a significant, rapid change in skin texture and tightness.

Treatments & Pricing

Excellent results can be obtained in just one treatment, however the number of treatments needed may vary from patient to patient.

Face, neck, and eyes $1000
Chest $600    
Hands $350    

Treatment Results